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I met Veshengro at the 2010 green exhibition, U.K.AWARE when he very kindly offered to review Everyone Can be a herO . I didn’t know if he would like it, but this is some of his review..... In fact he liked it enough to suggest we made a pdf Ebook of it to reach more people, and when I admitted I’d never done one before and was pretty clueless, he showed me the ropes and then took on doing it himself, without any payment. We have become good friends as a result and although we don’t agree on everything, I sincerely recommend his blog Green (Living) Review for a fearless, honest and genuinely green blog, without any false agendas or green wash. I love it because it is an individual voice and I learn a lot. He is also the mind behind Reuse Central, the hub for Reuse, Repurpose, Remake and Upcyling ideas, with some stunning photos.


Everyone Can be a herO – Book Review by Michael Smith (Veshengro)

.........This is a real good book and also one that give you a really good feeling and can be highly recommended.

Instead of a doom and gloom story we are, in this book, presented with one of hope and optimism of how things could get real after an incident.

Let us just hope that this book finds its way into the hands of many young people who might just get inspired to act. We need youngsters to emulate the young heroes in the book as that is, I think, the Planet's only hope.

                              To read some more…click here…

Inside Outsider Publications