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Cartoons… on the way!

Occasional poems:

This was about a cat called Polly.

I am a cat who drinks the darkness.

I lap the pool and the moon tilts and tumbles in the water.

It melts and wrinkles like butter on the surface,

Like an old, lined, woman,

Laughing and nodding at a distant, former self,

Whispering “My face is your face. Yes, my face is your face,”

And the sound comes back from under the shelf,

“My face in your place. Yes, your face in my place.”

I am a cat who drinks the darkness.

Above the pool, the leaves of the maple tree

Are swaying like water lilies, floating in a stream

Of warm, enticing air.

Look up!

Look down!

I am no longer there.                             ©1999 June Birch    

         Inside Outsider Publications

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