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Book Review.

The dangers of nuclear power

Sunday, May 9, 2010 By Kerry Smith

Everyone Can be a Hero

By J. R. Birch

Inside Outsider Publications, 2010, 293 pages

In The Iron Heel, Jack London used a narrative from the future to present the dystopian and utopian possibilities that existed in his time. Everyone Can be a Hero, a new independently published book for older children and teenagers, uses a similar device.

It is set in England in 2040 in a world blighted by a nuclear accident and running low on resources. While warning of the dangers of Britains nuclear energy generation and waste processing industries it also explores the possibilities of a society built by the people themselves, including renewable energy. It has a lot about growing organic food in cities — even referencing Cuba.

The book is available as an e-book and in a printed edition. The printed version is a fabulous example of what you can do with recycling. The paper is 100% recycled, using vegetable-based inks. The books are hand-strung and the part-recycled cardboard covers are individually finished.

While the books sound factual basis relates to the British nuclear industry, Australias role in supplying much of the worlds uranium makes it equally relevant to young people in this country.

Australian anti-nuclear campaigner Dr Helen Caldicott endorsed the book saying, I think that it is easily accessible for the teenage group who need education about the dangers of nuclear power and waste.

From GLW issue 836      Link:http://www.greenleft.org.au/node/44053                                

Green Left Weekly.


  Dr. Caldicott’s   endorsement,

  Click here.


 Michael Smith’s   review and   endorsement,  

  Click here.

Inside Outsider Publications