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Inside Outsider Publications

Email: inoutpublic@aol.co.uk


  We are small publishers and we specialise in publishing fiction which deals with environmental and social issues, especially nuclear power.

Our books are printed on 100% recycled paper using vegetable based inks. Ebooks are DRM-free.

            A solar powered website.

The first book is

Everyone Can be a herO  

An ecological novel for teenagers and upwards set in the future after a nuclear accident and with nuclear waste still a problem.

Heartily endorsed by

 Dr. Helen Caldicott

 In print and as Ebook.

The second book is

Where The Fox Goes (Ebook)

Christian family fiction about a community during a recession, facing the loss of their woodlands and allotments.  They help a small cat and find out that they are gaining more than they had expected.

This is old country with a hidden history.  Will it help or hinder?  

Text and cover Everyone Can be a herO                    ©J.R.Birch 2007

A quick guide to the website

Link to
The Mutant Butterfly

Website being worked on.  Our apologies for the tattered appearance of some pages.